We have over 35 years experience in Automation and Growing 

 Everyone shouts about the savings made by Vertical Farming. YET all Vertical Farms say the same things like We save water, We grow quicker, We can grow as much as 250 x as much as a normal farm, We use no pesticides. (no one focuses on the real issues of growing)                                 Yet how many VF have failed and closed down after receiving millions in funding to build systems that are years out of date because the 'owners' do not know or have experience in Basic growing techniques and just produce perfect spreadsheets. How many actually produce food ? They produce baby leaf or Micro Greens and then compare these to outdoor crops.  

Think about how a greenhouse works and these crops grow quickly in the summer months and are produced in quantity. VF does not produce consistent quality or quantity as yet. 

We focus on what the REAL LIFE ISSUES, and also one of Kw POWER SAVING ( this is not to be confused with energy efficiency) 

One of our biggest breakthrough is in Wind Capture & LED technology that we have developed over the last 6 years of growing inside warehouses in Dubai. So due to our decades of experience in the industry as GROWERS we are well placed to know the how to grow crops BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY we know how to save money but keep quality or to keep COGS under control. We have the innovation and know the technical improvements needed to make this type of business a viable option. 

Redesigning the future.

  1:: The biggest issue is one of power usage, we can reduce the actual Power consumption of LED's by 50%. We have been innovating the industry for years and warehouse growing is no exception. Our unique Led lighting system saves 50% of power usage as well as other Capital savings amounting to 30%. This makes a Vertical Farming growing unit more viable and will allow the UK to grow salads crops to be proud off. 

  2:: By implementing a wind capture system we can save considerable power and Carbon Emissions. We can improve the air flow and lower heating cost as the air moves around more even. By using our system the air actually moves around easier and more even. This is because as the same air is moving it gets lighter so for the same power it moves easier which in turn lowers the consumption of power. 

  3::  The biggest saving is in work flow. The site has to be commercially viable to work, by this we mean the site has to be designed correctly so everything runs smoothly. 
  4::  The Quality has to be good. If the product is poor then what is causing this issue and this has to be addressed as this effects the COGS and is often overlooked by inexperienced growers or by poor management teams from outside the industry.   

                                                         Hydroponic Growing Systems Ltd